Phyllanthus amarus

Phyllanthus amarus Phyllanthus amarus Phyllanthus amarus

This is an annual that grows up to 60cm. Also called Binnelli because the leaves are somewhat similar to Nellie leaves. Small flowers appear on the underside of the prostrate compound leaves. They are little observed and spread by the resulting seeds. Euphorbia is a plant belonging to the genus Euphorbiaceae.

Wounds, Tuberculosis, Pandu, Cough, Asthma, Eye Diseases, Jaundice, Edema, Rashes, Ringworms etc. Skin Diseases, Cobra Poison, Liver Diseases, Constipation, Fever, Gastritis, Lack of Hunger, Anorexia, Menstrual Problems , the leaves, roots, seeds and whole medicinals of this plant are used to treat uterine diseases, kidney disorders, urinary diseases, gonorrhea etc. Diuretic and blood purifying properties. A simple treatment for hives is to grind it completely with natural water.

Phyllanthus amarus is part of the catalog of ayurvedic medicinal plants of Sri Lanka.

Phyllanthus amarus Phyllanthus amarus Phyllanthus amarus

【LK94006476: Phyllanthus amarus. Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】
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