Cassia senna (Senehe Kola)

Cassia senna; Seneha kola Cassia senna; Seneha kola Cassia senna; Seneha kola

This plant is a legume that grows as a shrub. The composite leaf is pointed at the pointed bias cm. About 3 cm long. Leaflets about 1 in. Wide. The flower is yellow and appears as an inflorescence on the top of the plant. Cassia belongs to the genus Leguminosae. This plant is called Senna in English, Nila Verai in Tamil and Senehekola in Sinhala.

Seneha kola/Cassia senna leaves are used for treating itchy lumps, such as grinding with pure coconut vinegar and rubbing honey and beeswax milk.

Also uses for Laxative and purgative, used in contipation, loss of appetite, hepatomegaly, spleenomegaly, indigestion, malaria, skin diseases, jaundice and anaemia.

Cassia senna; Seneha kola Cassia senna; Seneha kola Cassia senna; Seneha kola

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